
Archive for July 14, 2010

WordPress Get It, Learn It, Use It.

I am new to WordPress and it will take me some time to read and learn this Blogger’s capabilities . But, I all ready know I love It! This Blogger has every thing I want and need, and I haven’t even gotten that far into it yet. I have only been here about two weeks now and I can see it’s value and worth to/for me and my Ideals. That I have to promote My Poetry.

I will be changing this Blogs name soon I hope to my personal websites domain name:

I think this is Free or reasonably cheap to do, here at

I am now trying to update and revamp my Website: Poetry, Writes, and Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man. I have for the last ten years been looking for ways to make money here on the Inter-Net/The World Wide Web. I have try a few different things, ebay, affiliate programs, and I even built my own store and selling Leather Goods here on the Web.

Well that post, was posted on July 14th. My Daughter’s Birth Day. I didn’t get to see her than on it or since then. They (my children) are reaching that tender teen age years were daddies aren’t all that important. Unless they can finance their wants and needs or take them here or there. I am not able or have been able for these last ten to twelve years now. Another reason I am trying to get busy and noticed. I have a want, no a need to become the Provider that has been absent from their lives this last decade. And I have committed to try my ass off until Christmas day 2010, I have been at it, everyday now since the third of July 2010.

I have made progress, but no money yet, it’s been thirty-days and I have made about three dollars, but from some of the Horror stories I have heard I am doing fairly well for thirty days well almost thirty-days, twenty-eight if we are being correct and we must be when in this business, that we wish to be apart of, advertisement is that business. It is both what gets you seen and makes you the monetary monies you are desiring.

It’s all about traffic Not! I have heard this said and in part it is true, but what keeps a person still on the net is what keeps them still in real time and/or real life. That is their interests. Motion and sound with splashes of color is what pauses the reader, but it is not what keeps them reading. So keep and eye on my blogs and on all my sites I have buried info into them every where. As I had to digg it up so shall you, but now you know where it can be found. As I am learning I will be sharing, It won’t cost you anything, but time and reading. Any thing worth having is worth working for or so I always have believed this to be true, you May StumblUpon a tid bit here and there some where else, but search me, watch me, as I climb up and down the engines ladders. I am already at the top and in the first few pages of their result and have not paid one red cent to be there, but I have put in some time in to stay there as others will try and earn or steal my current positioning . TTFN see ya around the block. I’ll be the one leaning upon the walls and reading the Good Book.

Come and play and create with me, watch and see if we can’t rock the house with some great content. My friends the tweepeoples, tubers, spacers, and neons are all a like they like to be social, an inter action is what they crave. And this is true from east to west far and wide, Our planet is getting smaller every day. Come and Play. Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man

Searches for Sinbad the Sailor Man

Yahoo search has a good hold of who and where I am. So a search on’s Engine will almost always bring up my web site

Poetry, Writes, and Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man.

Not so much on Google’ s Search Engine yet. But if you use sinbadthesailorman + a qualifier such as authspot it will find’s writers page. Known as and the Tags and/or writes I have posted with

Also on Google’s Engine with the qualifier Neopoet and “not” Neopet
you should almost always find some of my works and if you re-click on say a text link like this one, repeat the search with the omitted results included

You’ll get a better refinement of my works from these Search Engines.

Now when you search with spaces youll get a lot of the Sinbad /Sindbad the Sailor’s Stuff and Popeye the Sailor will almost always be included in there some where. So tell everyone to leave the spaces out and type sinbadthesailorman + qualifier such as Triond, Twitter, authspot, or wordpress.

To Find me on WordPress you’ll need to place another “THE” all lower case in the front of sinbadthesailorman

If you search sinbasailorman + twitter you should find me on

When you search thesinbadthesailor you should get my WordPress Blog or it’s blog.

There are some crazy pages and Peoples out there with my Pen Name’s in them and references them. That do not pertain to me or my sites. Some people take text from the number One-Five search hits or the first two or three pages found on searches, by these Engines and add them to their pages and some how make that text unseen, Invisible Text or an unseen page within their content. That now has yours in it. That specific content got you to your position. Now when you visit their page, you can’t see that content specifically they might have something on or in the site some where but it is not easily found, it’s a way of placing themselves higher up on these Engines and their search ladders. They copy and paste it from the Engines results pages.

There supposedly is away to block the copy and paste of your content. I have not found it so if any of you know how I would appreciate a good tip!!

I call them parasites or hitchhikers, They tag along on some others works. Search Engines make money selling the Top page and two positions on those pages and at times place, place holding markers for paid positioning or spots. So till you and I report these parasites and hitchhikers to the Engines this will keep going on.

Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man