
Archive for July 19, 2010

Todays Neopoets Post, On My Blog There at the Workshop.

Hi all what’s Up I am still alive I am still very interested in poetry and my poems. I, as some of you know have been very busy building up my website. This website is not my first, I have try and stumbled and fallen at least thrice already, but I am getting a good vibe from this one here. I want to take the Time to give “Loved” a shout out! For she is the one who kicked a rock at this old stone which set me over the edge of the hill and I have been rolling every since. Thanks Loved. I think I have let ya all know what it is I am trying to do, be, and grow outside of here, our little community of poets.

I have been on Social Security Disability for over nine years now. I have a broken back and other medical problems, which keep me here silent and alone. In my own little world, just getting by and almost surviving, feeling guilty and useless. And at time so depressed wanting to end my life. You may have read some of my works. They are snippets of my life and other’s lives. That have passed by and close to mine.

I can’t describe the hurt and lost felt by being placed into this type of existence, that I have been living. Not just yet, for the tears will not subside long enough to see the keys to type, its description. A poem for another day perhaps. well back to Self Publishing on the Internet. I don’t know what Your goals are for you works. I could care less if I every made a dime! I have never been one for monetary concerns, for other then survival. I can get by now on bread and water, but not water alone.

So I have bent the ears of my God and Father once again. For the past three or so years now, I have been believing in and on Him.To work with me again, to change this life into the life He sees for me. I am hearing whisperings from my communion with him again. I don’t care how that sounds to some of you or any one else. This is a path I was on and have stepped off many times. I have said it many times to those I know and who know me. I know as sure as I am sitting here typing this that He is and He is able to repair and restore all.

So that statement was made, for who it had to be made. I needed to give a shout out! To my Father and Creator and his only begotten Son The Lord Jesus The Christ, and the Saviour of the world! I have Planted a seed just now! The biggest I have ever planted and I am excepting a Harvest from it. So keep your eyes on me see if I don’t grow.

Come and see look around follow me and my blogs and social sites if you want people to read your works and possibly pick up some pocket change this seems to be working for me and it should work for you also. with or without God in your life. Seeds planted, and Time Giving, all things will grow, for we all reap what we sow with expectations and belief.

Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man